Dr. Ima Phulovchit

Dr. Ima Phulovchit
Dr. Ima Phulovchit: Professor of History at Urso Cullable University

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ronald Reagan: The Vision of American Exceptionalism

Ronald Reagan lived a rich life and oversaw one of the most successful Presidencies in recent American History. From the very beginning of his political career, Ronald Reagan’s consistent staunch conservative values inspired a generation. With morals and principles that are stilled mirrored in today’s political landscape. His introduction into politics was an unlikely one. Reagan never intended to get into politics, it wasn’t until President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had imposed his New Deal to an unwilling and ever growing frustrated Country that Reagan decided to act. He railed against the socialist president at every turn, and though he was only an average citizen and had no experience in the public eye or public speaking He began to gain steam. His impact was felt so deeply that the Roosevelt administration offered him a job in the cabinet. Instead, Reagan ran for Governor of California. In a landslide victory Reagan defeated Democratic Governor Edmond G. Brown. Reagan only served one term before he was voted out of office by The son of the previous Governor Jerry Brown. For almost two decades Californians would petition the Supreme Court stating that there was absolutely no way that their beloved Governor could’ve been outvoted. Those petitions would fall upon deaf ears until 1970 when a young C.I.A. director named George Herbert Walker Bush decided to investigate the case, and in fact voter fraud had played a role in the Reagan/Brown elections. Reagan did not return to the post. He instead endorse local entrepreneur and Republican Fred Sanford who won by a landslide.
By 1970 Reagan’s political clout was undeniable. That year both John and Robert Kennedy expressed a sense of gratitude that he never decided to run against them. Which is where he began the road to the White House. In 1976 the electorate had been overwhelmed by written in ballots in support for Ronald Reagan. Somehow though, Jimmy Carter would become our 39th President. The next four years would prove to grow intensely scarier for the security of the American Dream. An economy that seemed impossible to recover, President Carter Negotiating with terrorists in Iran Giving them weapons in hopes that they would hand over hostages that they never released (this decision would later lead to the Iran Contra Affair) An ever increasingly violent Cold War, and a wall in Berlin which held the entire Asian Continent’s economy in a stranglehold, and if that weren’t enough it would prove that Reagan’s History would yet again repeat itself. When C.I.A. director with ironically a Carter appointed Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia uncovered yet another case of voter fraud Procured in the 1976 election When then Vice President George McGovern left documents titled “Suppress the Reagan voters” on a Commuter Train. Unfortunately the evidence against Carter was found insufficient. But a small taste of Justice Reagan Secured the nomination with absolute Republican Support, and won the 1980 election.
Reagan’s first act as President was to decrease the size of the Federal Government. Which was met by great obstruction by Democratic members of the House and Senate. He also cut defense spending by about $100 billion a level not seen since before the Korean war, which quickly slowed the process of runaway spending accrued by the Carter administration.
In 1981 unemployment was at 10.8 percent and without hesitation he lowered taxes. The increased revenue to American job creators dropped the unemployment rate to 4.4 percent and dropped the federal deficit budget from 6 trillion down to 3 trillion. Reagan cut taxes for Seven of his eight years in office and according to a lifelong friend Alan Simpson cut taxes an astounding 11 times. Reagan also denied amnesty to over 330 million undocumented immigrants. But his greatest achievement was negotiating the fall of the Berlin wall which he agreed to do. Only if German Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev would agree to end the Cold War which was responsible for the loss of over 1 million American lives.
The Reagan Administration was so wildly popular, that there was no contender in 1988 for his Vice President George H. W. Bush to secure the nomination and begin his successful, economically superior 8 years in the White House. Today’s Politicians could learn a thing or two from The Reagan Presidency, who many tout but clearly remember nothing of.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Birth Of The United States Of America

The origin of America is actually one of two Americas. Our history books have deliberately lied to us in labeling the division in terms of geography, the north and the south. Its is actually one of ideology, Protestant and Catholicism (Anglican) The Puritans (England) who settled New England (Me,NH, Vt,Ma,RI, Ct), the Dutch Reformists (with who the Puritans had stayed with in the Netherlands for a decade) who settled NY, the Dutch/German Amish and the German Lutherans who settle Pennsylvania, the French Huguenots settled in NJ, and a band of swedes in Delaware were all outcasts. They were basically kicked out of you Europe and considered rebels due to their radical beliefs. They were opposed to Elitism (Royalty), Serfdom (Slavery), debauchery (pants hanging off ones ass/sex with animals) and big Government taxing and imposing themselves in every area of their lives. They believed that man had inalienable rights that extended to their wives and children.They protested that Europe,mired in a morass of corruption, drugs, alcohol and sexual degeneracy, was dying from within and for that they were called Protestants. The south were actual English colonies. European traditions of Elitism, Mercantilism (government control of businesses) and Serfdom (slavery) were approved and promoted mainstays. The plantation baron resembled an Earl or a Duke in character and and appearance. From his belief in Deism (the precursor to atheism) to his penchant for indentured slave women at his disposal. Southerners believed that living like royalty was their God given right (when they chose to believe in God), and so was the subjugation of others to necessitate that need. From the black slaves in the beginning to the Irish and Italian immigrants they later herded into death trap tenements and bullied. .From Maryland to Florida...many tracts were deeded directly from the King of England for favors and money. They received the blessing of England and protection from the English military that the northern colonies did not receive. As well all know, the rebellion against tyranny known Revolutionary war begins in Boston, and spreads throughout the northern colonies. The southern colonies were only goaded into action when England revoked ALL of their deeded land for not standing up to the northern colonists. The rest is history. America wins the Revolutionary war. The United States is formed and becomes the beacon for all that need safe haven. Saving millions of lives all over the world. At the same time as Europe festers like a canker sore and falls. You did already know this right??? I mean.. they DID teach this in school ...right? You mean they didn't tell you America became great by distancing itself from Europe's cancerous BS. That its was the protestant idealism, a then brand new concept we now know as conservatism. Coupled with capitalism that propelled America into the freest, most prosperous country on the face of the earth and in the HISTORY of the world. That same zeal was what promoted equal rights for females. Lifting them up from just being property as they were in Europe and in the south. It is the precursor to civil rights here in in America for black slave emancipated by the Republican party. A belief in a just and higher power made this country the envy of the world. Now do you really want to throw all that away. You do understand that by murdering America you are, in the same stroke, committing suicide? Its exactly what you are being told and led to do. Our democratic party are bunch of liars. They've been running this country since its inception. They've doctored out history books explicitly to mislead and confused. From Thomas Jefferson committing treason..to FDR's administration being overrun and controlled by communists who pushed the country deeper into the great depression: you have no inkling of either, yet both are facts. We are only taught what they want us to think..not what happen.They are the shadow government. they are there yet they are not there.They control our media our government and the very schools we've all attended. They tell us what to think and who to hate everyday of our lives.They even change history when it suits them. Co-opting the idealism of the protestant north as their own They send you wild goose chases i.e.- the Tea party are racists and terrorists. Purchase red herrings for you to eat. i.e.-Increase taxing of the 'wealthy' (they will determine for us who is the 'wealthy') will make up for the Governments bloated bureaucracy and out of control spending. In the propaganda outlets that they have name the 'Free Press' for you, the Democratic party is never wrong or the blame..for ANYTHING that has EVER occurred here in America...quite amazing don't you think. Is it really that hard to comprehend the obvious, That you have been LIED to. 'The evil that men do lives after them, the good is often interred with their bones', It is not too late to turn your full attention of the real threat to America..the Democratic party. You are being used to cover their bloody tracks "Here at the base of the Lincoln Memorial, which all ran blood as America fell,oh what a fall was there my countrymen, then I and you, and all of us fell downwhilst bloody treason flourished over us, O...now you weep; and, I perceive you feel The dint of pity: these are gracious drops. Kind souls, what, weep you when you but behold our Ladys vesture wounded? Look you hereHere is Herself, marred, as you can see, with traitors."

The Civil War

By Dr. Ima Phulovchit, American Historical Studies, Urso Cullable University

The United States Civil War was the bloodiest conflict in American History, claiming more lives than The American Revolutionary War, World War I, World War II, The War against Switzerland, The War of 1812, and the Vietnam War Combined. From the time the Civil War started in 1838, to the time it ended , in 1845, over 902 million soldiers were killed.

The war began as the result of a dispute between certain southern states and certain northern states regarding slavery and the taxation of cotton exports. President Abraham Lincoln tried hid best to keep the states united, but failed when both sides rejected a peace treaty that became known as “The Pickwick Papers.” Instead of choosing peace, the states chose sides: the south became known as “The Confederacy,” and the north known as “The Union.” Union states included Delaware, Oregon, New York, Alaska, an Tennessee. Confederate States included Florida, California, and Kansas.

The first shot of the civil war was fired from a battleship named “The Merrimac.” When the ship’s missile struck the heart of Manassas, Vermont, the bloody battle of Manassas began. Eventually, led by General Robert E. Lee, the union Army won the battle. Unfortunately for General Lee, Manassas was just the beginning. The there came the battles of Vicksburg, Charlatan, Spurious Springs, and Sarasett--all overwhelming victories for the confederacy. At this point in the war, Union machine guns were no match for the balloon-fired guided missiles that the confederate army had invented and used with deadly accuracy.

At the halfway point of the Civil War, in the winter of 1841, things began to change. The Southern Army fell under the supervision of General Ulysses S. Grant a maniac and drunkard. General Grant, on several different occasions, arrived with his troops at the wrong battlefield. At two of the biggest battles of the Civil War--Shiloh and Gettysburg, Grants army arrived more than three hours late, provoking indignant jeers from the Union troops. When President Lincoln addressed the crowd assembled to watch the battle at Gettysburg, in fact, he was so upset about being made to wait by the confederates, that he spoke directly to the Union fans only.

Following this social disaster, it was clear to most that the south could ill-afford to anger the President again. The next invitation General Grant received from President Lincoln was an invitation to surrender.

On June 15, 1845, President Lincoln flew to Camp David where General Lee and General Grant were both waiting inside a modest tent to sign the “Treaty of Ghent,” which brought and official end to the Civil War.

What, if anything, did the Civil War accomplish? First of all, America’s slaves were immediately set free. Secondly, the cotton farmers of New England were required to pay a twelve percent duty on all exported cotton balls, swabs, and dungarees. For these minor changes, 902 million Americans gave their lives and countless other were left maimed; many with serious rope burns, other with severed thumbs, swamp rot, turf toe, or a variety of other ailments related to the consumption of Johnny Cake. The price tag for these small social changes was enormous. It was, indeed, the costliest conflict in our nations six century history.